Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stride Gum and Animal Planet

This past week has been so crazy with work! James and I have been doing two promotions plus my regular job. This week I have worked a total of 74 hours! 30 hours for the City of Provo, 30 hours with the Stride Promotion, and 14 hours with Animal Planet. I cannot believe I have lasted this long! Luckily the people that we have been able to work with are awesome and so much fun! I am going to miss them for sure. It has been such a good promo group.

So, this whole week we have been passing out Stride Gum. We had a whole box truck full of Stride Gum, literally full - from top to end! And we had to get rid of it within the week... If anyone wants gum just let us know cause we have plenty to share ;) Here are some pictures of our awesome crew!

Here are some pictures at the Animal Planet Promotion:

They had this photo booth with a blue screen! It was hilarious...we got to pick our backgrounds and poses. We got the biggest kick doing it!

This was called Spider Mountain. It was probably the coolest kids activity at the event. You had to climb up to the top and to get down all you had to do is pike butt first and you will fall straight down!! It was so much fun! Check out the videos below and you can see the boys racing to the top and falling down!

Sliding down the Aligator Slide:

Climbing up Spider Mountain:

Falling Down Spider Mountain:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

KC Masterpiece Promotion

This past Friday James and I worked a promotion at the Tim McGraw Concert. It was a blast since we were working with all of our friends. I was so happy that Alicia Christensen worked the event with me! At the event we pretty much hosted carnival games and gave out prizes to people and then were paid to watch the concert! Here are just some pictures of us at the event...

James is so cute ;)

Alicia and I are handing out Tim McGraw guitar pics!

Joe and Katie didn't need to work at the event so they were paid $30 just to watch the show!