Sunday, November 30, 2008

Twilight Again

I just saw Twilight again and loved it even more... I can't help it. I think I am going to have to reread the books...!

I love Kristen Stewart and I love Robert Pattinson...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas List

Here is a list of things that I want for Christmas!

Rainbow Premier Leather Double-Layer Arch Sandals
A new Chi Straightener
True Religion Perfume
Cowgirl Boots...Possibly from Liberty Boot Co.

The Samsung Eternity


So, I saw the Twilight movie and absolutely loved it ;) James hated it and actually said the movie made him "mad." Haha, well thats what I get for making him see the movie with me. I felt like there were a few parts of the movie that dragged on and were cheesy... but hey, I am a sucker for cheesy. I though the movie was dang cute... I want to see it again. I loved it. So pretty much, don't have your husbands see the movie ;)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I just wanted everyone to know, after three months of job hunting I now have my first full time job as a college graduate! I will be working with Netsmartz and the Boys and Girls Club. My title is a Netsmartz Coordinator and I get to train and educate youth in Internet safety. I am really excited about the position and getting to work with such a great program! It really is a cool program so if anyone wants to check it out and learn more about it, here is the website: