Monday, January 13, 2014

Road to Sochi

Go team USA! While James' family was in town for Christmas we went up to Park City to watch the Ski Jump. It is pretty dang amazing how fast and high those athletes go. It was also neat to watch the jump in person. I was surprised at how different of an experience it was seeing them in person versus watching it on the television. 

Craig and Jos also got us these sweet Team USA gloves. They are awesome -- especially when you are cheering at an Olympic event.

There was a band that was performing after the event called Holy Water Buffalo from Heber, Utah. They were pretty good and they also had pretty impressive hair. 

Also while I was walking around the event, I couldn't stop noticing everyone's amazing snow boots and realized that I am missing a very essential part of my wardrobe -- especially for someone who lives in Utah. How have I gone so many years without purchasing a pair of snow boots? Every winter my poor toes freeze. Does anyone have snow boots that they recommend? 

And for some outtakes --

Silly brothers.

I think I might be lecturing James in this picture. :)

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